Waterhorse Irish Pub: Beverly Sprague

Tour Highlights: Guest artist Beverly Sprague will bring samples of the different ways in which she creates her “Tangle Inspired” artwork.

361 Central St, Franklin, NH
PHONE: (603) 671-7118
EMAIL:  waterhorsepub@gmail.com
WEBSITE: thewaterhorsepub.com
FACEBOOK: WaterHorseIrishPub

Waterhorse Irish Pub’s goal is to re-create the rich traditions of the great pubs of Ireland here in New Hampshire. They present an authentic “pub house” experience to their guests – a fun, friendly and exuberant atmosphere. Great pride is taken in providing their guests with excellent quality products and service. Their recipes are prepared on the premises, using only the finest ingredients. They promise to stay devoted to Traditional Irish Fare and remain passionate about the perfect pint.

Beverly Sprague is a Franklin Makerspace artist based in Franklin. Beverly specializes in “Tangle Inspired” drawings and paintings. Her Facebook page “Lady Wisdom” is a support page for women which features drawings of Lady Wisdom offering positive, thoughtful and inspirational quotes.

Beverly was a social worker at the Merrimack County Nursing home for 20 years and sells her art in their gift shop.

RAFFLE: Framed artwork by Beverly Sprague